Friday 11 May 2018

Water cycle

This week we are learning  about the rubbish that goes around the world. last week we went down town to clean up Kawakawa and I know that there was more then 15 bags of rubbish that we collected. Some went in the river for rubbish and some went to clean the storm drains. When we were picking up rubbish in the storm drain there was still big mountains of rubbish still left in there because we could not get to it and when Mahuta saw a animal head flow picked up that head and it was a cow face.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Rashaan. I like how you made 70 slides to make it look like a video. Is kawakawa a garden? I like how you are trying to stop the kid's and adult's from littering so we can save the animal environment. You know how you said Mahuta saw an animal head and it was a cow head, what did you do with it.Plz look at my blog
